Paper Submission
- Please submit your paper through the EasyChair conference management system via the following link:
- New users are required to register with EasyChair before paper submission.
- Papers should follow the basic guidelines and meet the formatting requirements for publication.
- Please consult the following link for the basic guideline : ICSOT Indonesia Writers Guidelines
Preparation of Contributions
This is the manuscript template for Microsoft Word can be downloaded : ICSOT Indonesia Template
**Final manuscript should be Microsoft Word template (A4 template)
Selection Process
- All paper submissions will be checked for originality.
- All submitted papers are subjected to a peer review process by 2-3 reviewers.
- Decision of a paper acceptance is based on the average score and the comments given by the reviewers.
- The accepted papers must be revised according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions, before inclusion in the conference proceedings.
Please note that we use a double-blind review process, so authors’ names and affiliations should not be written in the paper. This is necessary to ensure fairness in the review process.
Final Manuscript Preparation
- Ensure that you have added all the author names, both in your manuscript as well as in EasyChair.
- You are required to ensure that the similarity rating of your manuscript is less than 30%. Papers with high similarity score (30% or above) will be dropped and may not be accepted by the conference.
- Please ensure that your manuscript has been checked for grammatical and typographical errors.
- You must revise your manuscript according to the comments and suggestions given by the reviewers.
Non-Presented Paper Policy
The committee reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference if the paper is not presented at the conference.